Q: How can I pick-up my order?
A: We are available for curbside pickup at The ReStores 1 - 4 PM Monday - Friday
Q: What hours can I call the ReStore?
A: We are available by phone from 9 am - 4 PM Monday - Friday
Q: Can I leave a voice mail if I am calling outside of the open hours?
A: You are welcome to leave a voice mail at either of our ReStores. We will check messages each morning and make call backs as time permits.
Q: Can I come to the ReStore to see what you have?
A: Due to the Emergency Lockdown in place, we are not open for in person shopping.
Q: Are you accepting donations now?
A: Due to the Emergency Lockdown in place, we are not accepting drop off donations.
Q: How do I reach the Waterloo ReStore by phone?
A: Phone 519-747-0664 and press 221 once the message begins to bypass the switchboard.
We will continue to monitor questions asked and update the responses here!